Why visit this blog?

Instead of being rude, self-centered and greedy, I think Americans can be polite, humble and generous. Let's use this blog to share ideas about how we can all help each other.

Monday, September 20, 2010

What have you done for me lately?

What has someone done for you lately that was really extraordinary?  Something that made you stop and think - "hey that was great, thanks alot!"  Take their example and run with it.  I have a secret angel who sends me gift cards in the mail sometimes.  I am really grateful, and think this person is extraordinary!  If you know of someone in need, this is a great way to help them with household things, gas etc... My daughter recently had a flat tire and a friend met her to help her change it. (Really nice!)  A nearby employee at a Jiffy Lube saw she was having trouble and offered to make sure the spare was filled and put on right. At no charge! (Really nice!)  Keep up the good work(s)!  

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