Why visit this blog?

Instead of being rude, self-centered and greedy, I think Americans can be polite, humble and generous. Let's use this blog to share ideas about how we can all help each other.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Thursday night lights

I probably will not have time to post on Thursdays now because the NBC Thursday night lineup is back on!  Yeah, lame I know, but I have to have my "Office" and "30 Rock" fix.  What happened to "Parks and Recreation"?  I really enjoyed the characters on that show.  Speaking of humor, I've found that using it can really diffuse highly charged arguments.  It is not appropriate to use it in every situation, but it does help put the argument into perspective.  It deflates the "anger bubbles" we get into when we argue.  It also helps the people arguing see each others points of view.  Try to make sure though that you do not make the humor personal or downplay the participants opinions.

My favorite part of last night's "30 Rock" was Kevin receiving a tote bag with "The Mentalist" logo on it from CBS as a perk.

Have a great weekend!  

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I'm sorry...

I'm sorry. I think those two (three?) words are so hard to say sometimes.  Its' as if we know we've wronged someone, but we are not comfortable with admitting that to ourselves. It means maybe we are not as infallible as we think we are.  We don't like to humble ourselves to others.  I also don't like to admit to myself that I may have hurt someone.  What kind of person does that make me?  Well, we are all human, and I think by saying "I'm sorry", that we are on the road to healing our relationships.  Even if we just accidentally bump into someone we don't know!  How can we feel bad about ourselves by displaying humility and compassion to our fellow man?

Hope your Wednesday is going well! 

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


We make our lives more hectic than they have to be.  I'm not advocating schucking responsibilities, but there are many ways we can subtract some of the chaos around us.  Because guess what?  You do not have to be accessable to everyone at all times.  They are not that important, and neither are you!  Vanity makes us think the world cannot live without us for even a minute.  Hah, I bet it can! Turn off your television, your IPod, your computer, your handheld and video games and your phone.  Then  sit down, close your eyes and just listen.  Hopefully other than your kids, your significant other and some street noise, it will be relatively quiet. 
In that quiet, you will become less stressed, your blood-pressure will go down, and you will become a better person.  When you feel better, you can help others feel better too!

Thanks for reading today!

Monday, September 20, 2010

What have you done for me lately?

What has someone done for you lately that was really extraordinary?  Something that made you stop and think - "hey that was great, thanks alot!"  Take their example and run with it.  I have a secret angel who sends me gift cards in the mail sometimes.  I am really grateful, and think this person is extraordinary!  If you know of someone in need, this is a great way to help them with household things, gas etc... My daughter recently had a flat tire and a friend met her to help her change it. (Really nice!)  A nearby employee at a Jiffy Lube saw she was having trouble and offered to make sure the spare was filled and put on right. At no charge! (Really nice!)  Keep up the good work(s)!  

Sunday, September 19, 2010

More hints for helping

More ways we can help each other:

- Even if we don't act like it, women still like having men open the door for us. Be sure and thank him when he does ladies! And why don't we act like it?  I think its that whole being gracious thing.  It's OK to have people do nice things for you.  You deserve it, just don't feel put upon when you have do something nice for someone else!

- If you see an elderly, handicapped, pregnant, or otherwise stressed out looking person on the subway, train or bus, offer them your seat.  Chances are one day you are going to be at least one of these things yourself and would welcome a seat!

Have a good Sunday, hope your football team wins!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Steps to take

Some good ways to start being more thoughful include:

- Picking up after yourself.  When you get ready to leave an area, turn around.  What have you left behind that someone else may have to deal with? Trash, cigarette butts, food, spills, your personal stuff like keys, earphones, books, pens, phones, ipods, games, glasses etc...? Take a minute and pick it up. 

- Smile.  At home, at work, on the street, at the park, while driving, biking, hiking, swimming (well maybe not while swimming), while talking on the phone.  You will feel better, and the people that see it will too.

- Saying thank you.  Thank everybody that does something for you.  Cashiers, taxi drivers, doormen, your children, your parents, housekeepers, teachers, librarians, waiters, nurses. When someone thanks you, answer with "You're Welcome". After saying "You're Welcome",  then thank them if you want to. When you answer with "You're Welcome", instead of "Thank You" immediately back, you are graciously acknowledging their thanks, and that you are worthy of being thanked. (By not immediately thanking them back, it silently reminds them that they actually have to do something to warrent a "Thank You" instead of just getting thanked for not really doing anything!)

I'm trying to employ two or three thoughtful ways of behaving every day (week, month?)  It is hard sometimes, but if we each make an effort we can turn this rudeness trend around!  Thank you for your time today.

Friday, September 17, 2010


Remember manners? One of the reasons Americans have become so rude is that some of us were not taught to use manners, or we are so self-centered we don't want to use them, or we are just so busy and stressed out we don't have time to use them.  Are you polite and respectful?  If not, why not?